Hermleigh Water Works Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Please provide an aging of receivables report.

         HWW Sales and Receivables Report

  1. The CP&Y Report show the water lines were installed in 1993.  Is that correct? If this an estimate, how was it developed?


Response from CP&Y:

Because of the lack of historical records, we looked at three main items:

  1. We interviewed the staff at the time who did not have great knowledge of the system at the time but was aware of several pipe replacements that had occurred, had systems maps and other useful knowledge. No records were found of line replacements. It appears that the lines were replaced in-kind and no engineering drawings were developed.

  2. We reviewed the available maps, record drawings, Appraisal District Data and well logs. We understand that one well was drilled in 1978 and another was drilled in 1998. Pipeline lengths, fire hydrants and valves were developed using the available system maps. We reviewed the available data from TCEQ’s open records (digital).
  3. The third we review the historical aerial maps to see development/growth in the City.

      3. Has any kind of grant funding been utilized for system improvements or upgrades?  If so, how much and when?

A grant was received through the Office of Rural Community Affairs in 2004 for improvements to the Hermleigh Water System in the amount of $250,000.  Scurry County provided matching funds in the amount of $63,272 for a total of $313,272.

The grant and matching funds were used to “address water system needs for the unincorporated community of Hermleigh.”  This included replacing a deteriorated elevated storage tank with a sixty thousand (60,000) gallon standpipe, install approximately one hundred linear feet (100 l.f.) of eight-nch (8”) PVC water line, electrical and level controls, fencing and demolish the elevated storage tank. 

Additionally, improvements to the water distribution system by replacing undersized lines and looping the system.  Installing approximately three thousand eigh hundred linear feet (3,800 l.f.) of six-inch (6”) PVC water line, valves, fittings, four fire hydrants and one hundred linear feet (100 l.f.) of steel encased bore.

Construction was at the following locations:

Street                           From                            To

School Ave                  Cardinal (4th St)           Kemp St

Kemp St                       Harlan St                      School Ave

Harlan St                      Kemp St                       James St

James St                       Harlan St                      Willis St

Willis St                       James St                       Wheat St